Pulp, Paper & Industrial Supplies
Manufacturer's Representative
RTJ Tool Company is an independent sales representative company that has years of experience in engineering design, technical support, and project management for manufacturers of products and services used in a wide range of industrial sectors including Pulp & Paper, Mining, Chemical, Petrochemical, & Steel.
RTJ provides suppliers contact with maintenance, production, and engineering personnel in industrial facilities across the entire North East United States and Canada. Our extensive product representation portfolio is a testament to the value we bring to both our customers and the manufacturers we represent.

Teufelberger Paper Carrier Rope
TEUFELBERGER is the leading manufacturer of paper carrier ropes worldwide. Due to decades of experience TEUFELBERGER has obtained a unique know-how about paper carrier ropes and their application. No two paper machines are the same, but TEUFELBERGER always has the right fiber rope for your machine. With us, there’s no need to compromise, as we have the suitable product for each and every use.

Röchling Leripa Papertech
Röchling Leripa Papertech Suction Roll Seal Strips, Deckles, Air Load Tubes, Accessories & Holders, Foils, Uhle Box Tops, Dewatering Devices - Available as kits or individual parts.

Wellington Alloys
Wellington Alloys supplies superior quality alloy steels for industry.
Wear Plate - 400 to 600 BHN wear plate, overlay plate
Pipe & Hollow Bar - Gears, bushings, sleeves, spacers, rolls, drill collars, tool joints, spindles, cylinders, etc.
Wear Piping - 600 BHN inside, 300 BHN outside - up to 20" in diameter
Shafting - High Strength, Stress Relieved & Machine Straightened - 1/16" Increments
Tool Steels

Johnson Screens
Johnson Screens developed its pulp and paper product line to satisfy all requirements for mill filtration and similar processes. Pulp, paper, and recycling industries use our screens and other equipment for water clarification, cleaning, dewatering, pulp screening and fractionation, fiber retention, drying, and other liquid/solid separation processes.
Our solutions are also available for water intake, wastewater treatment, and other separation applications in your pulp and paper mill.
Whether using mechanical, chemical, or recycled fiber pulping methods, you can find the equipment needed to make the finest quality pulp at competitive costs.

RTJ Threading Systems designs and manufacturers paper tail threading equipment and accessories. RTJ Threading Systems can supply rope sheaves for all standard positions and can custom produce sheaves for special applications. All rope sheaves are made in the USA.